Do you want to learn more about how myfood works?
Have a look at the tutorials! (in italian)
How to insert a dish with all information your customers need
Insert a dish in myfood is simple: fill in the form and insert additional information, like ingredients, picture, description and characteristics. Add allergens in order to help your customers and to fulfill EU Reg. 1169/2011.
How to quick create a dish, if you have little time
Are you in a hurry? Do you want to insert a dish in one minute? You can do it with the quick dish creation. Remember to add the allergens to comply the UE Reg. 1169/2011. Other information can be added later, when you have more time.
Do you prefer reading?
Open or download the PDF manual! (in italian)
How to create a dish and a menu and how to create you web & mobile myfood site
Detailed myfood manual: how to login, insert and edit dishes, create menus, print the menus and the documents compliant to allergens regulation (UE Reg. 1169/2011). Learn how to complete the information showed in your web & mobile myfood site.