
Myfood is conceived to make food more transparent.

A growing number of people follow different food diets for ethic, dietary or health reasons. It is estimated that around 10% of the population suffers from allergies or food intolerances. With this in mind, the European regulation 1169/2011 contemplates that whoever supplies food which is not ready made has to indicate the presence of allergens in food.

With myfood restaurant owners can make available to their clients the information on allergens, as well as other characteristics of their food (vegan, vegetarian, bio, nearby products) in a simple and easily usable way.

Thanks to myfood, the consumer has

Online menu
Available 24/24 hrs, which can be used anywhere, from a desktop to a mobile phone, full and updated menu with filters to show only the plates that do not contain certain allergens
QR code
Scanning the Qr code with your mobile phone you can access the online menu and other information that the restaurant owner makes available to clients
Research app
With myfood it is possible to find the restaurant that best answers the clients’ food requirements: the restaurant offering a certain food, without a certain allergen, in the surroundings *coming soon*

myfood map is online!